Endurance baddie through and through. You may not see me putting up crazy weight often, but I’ve got an engine that won’t quit. I had to learn when to hold back so I'm not throwing up after a workout (which is never the goal!)
Strength flex: 185lb Power Clean
CrossFit Level 1
As a kid my dad put me through soccer, volleyball, basketball, and left me wondering when everyone learned all the rules. My first memories I have of going to the gym was with my mom before school. I would hop on a cardio machine and that was that. It wasn’t until I graduated college that I learned how to work with weight/barbells, and immediately latched on to learning technique. My number one goal in most intense workouts is simple: move well, stay calm. I like to work out my fight-or-flight responses in the gym so that I encounter them less in real life, and have better pathways through them when I do.
There’s been so many, and they keep coming - from lifting weights I didn’t think I could during my first CrossFit Open, moving through discomfort I thought was an injury and was really a tight lower back that found release halfway through the workout, or deciding to become a coach after 8 years of working in gyms. They come as moments that completely change my relationship with fitness and staying moving, and the lesson in them is often that self doubt is what was holding me back.
I put tons of pressure on myself when I first started strength training - the kind that made me skip classes instead of going to them. Whether I didn’t feel I was lifting well enough, or as heavy as other people in the class, or felt embarrassed learning a new skill. My motivation as a coach is to make the most supportive environment I can to help relieve some of that not-so-useful pressure and encourage athletes to move where they're at.